Invest in relationships with entities who are likely to buy.
Get accurate data in a click
Use Pursuit to quickly gather all publicly available data for any unit of government in the USA, from Federal to Local to Special District.
- Population & Demographics
- Fiscal Year End
- Purchasing Threshold
- Annual Tax Revenue
- Budget & Revenue by Department
Take action before your competitors
Use Pursuit to engage potential buyers in advance of an RFP, and use Pursuit tools to streamline proposals and RFP responses.
- Competitor Information
- Past Contracts and Contracting Vehicles Used
- Latest News
- Timeline of Events
- Vendors Used and Upcoming Renewals
Invest where you’re likely to win
Pursuit will stack-rank the entities of government that merit the most focus, based on their data and yours.
- County
- Municipal
- K-12 School Districts
- Higher Education
- Special Districts
More data, deeper connections
Leverage our extensive and up-to-date datasets.
Instant Coverage of all USA Entities
Pursuit covers Federal, State, Municipal, Education, Public Hospitals, Public Utilities, and Special Districts in the USA.
Instant Access to All Public Info
Pursuit analyzes it all: Strategic Plans, Capital Plans, Budgets, ACFRs, Meeting Transcripts, RFPs, Contracts, Websites
Understand the Trends Over Time
Pursuit maps all these data points over time, enabling our customers to position themselves for the future.
You're in great company
Here's what some of the best GovTech companies say about us.
Win bids, before they're bids.
Fast growing government contractors use Pursuit to find and win more contracts.